Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just Swimming

For the past couple of days I have been sewing a bathing suit. I have been wanting to make one for the longest time! Definitely ready for the beach!

Fabric: nylon & lining
Length: 1 yd & 1/2 yd
Color: mint blue & beige

1 yd of fabric was not necessary at all, unless you plan to mess up like me and still I had some leftovers. 1/2 yd of nylon is good enough, maybe 3/4 if you want to add room for mistakes. I followed directions directly off of here (she is my absolute favorite!). I braided the fabric to make the strap.  For padding I would suggest taking from an old swimming suit or bra unless you want to buy from Hancock.  Sorry for not taking a picture with it on...maybe when I actually go swimming so it won't look so awkward!

I cannot emphasize how easy it was to make once I got started! The mistakes came from not measuring correctly but everything else was smooth. My favorite part has to be the peek-a-boo back of it. I really want to make another one in printed nylon and try variations of it such as bows, twists and a braided back. When and if I do- I'll definitely be sharing!

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